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Zane Frederick is a city born Gemini, raised in the hell and heart of Phoenix, Arizona. He has been writing ever since the small age of nine. At first, being completely fascinated by rhyme schemes then understanding the use of poetry as a way to express emotion in his adolescence. Now, he's never not writing about this life we're honored to be living. 


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"In a world as cruel and lucky as this, we get to leave Love behind, no matter how tough and tender."



In Zane Frederick's fourth poetry collection, he refers to Love as a proper noun, like an authority or religion. A thing we are influenced by. In his signature voice, Frederick puts the spectrum of feeling into lyrics and metaphors. Whether it’s Love found or forgotten about, it’s a fossil for what we gave of ourselves. A pure joy to say we Loved here, here, and here. How some of us remain soft after being thrown through the wringer.



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